Sunday 31 July 2011

Problem with the waterfall

After some tests I have discovered that the waterfall will not work as I had hoped.
The water does not fall in a nice stream in front of the wall.
It will either form a single thin stream or curve back and flow down the wall.
Luckily this can be fixed by removing the gap between the water and the wall.
Sadly this means that I have to get rid of the track as this will disrupt the water.
Back later with ideas.

Saturday 23 July 2011

Project 1 Interaction Written Description

My interaction design will look at the senses of touch and sight. My model will be mainly consist of a wall and a stream of water falling in front of it. By having a basin at the top of the wall the rate of water flow can be maintained easily. The user of the model will be able to move, mold and control this waterfall using some 'obstacles' mounted on a track in the wall. These will be small shaped pieces of plastic or similar material which will attach to the user's fingertips. When used to move the water in the waterfall I want the user to feel a sense of power over it. He/She should be able to feel the water pushing back on their movement, showing how difficult it is to move water. A feeling of total freedom should also happen when the user uses it. The visual aspect of the waterfall is all about beauty. The beauty of the stream of water bending and being pushed into different shapes should stimulate the user and persuade the curiosity of them to play with the interaction more.

Studio 22/7

Today in studio we continued to develop our ideas for the interaction project.

I have now got rid of the mirror idea. It didn't seem to have any more effect then 'its a mirror'.

With the waterfall the idea now is to use a basin at the top. When it fills up the water will flow out of it nicely, rather then try and propel the water somehow. Most of the development is in the drawing below. The next stage is to do a storyboard and written description. Also need to continue to think about how I am going to do the track...

Monday 18 July 2011

Waterfall development

I'm sure we have all tried the charged water stream test at some point in our life. I have a thought that it would be interesting to watch people try and manipulate the water for some gain. Maybe different sounds of visuals.
Although my original idea was to have a waterfall, this type of interaction would probably work best for a single stream of water. Although I should investigate what happens with a waterfall and a charged rod.
A way to make it more interactive is to replace the more obvious rod with perhaps a charged glove so that people can feel they are having more of an effect on the stream.

Mirror development

90 degree mirrors reverse both axis of an image rather then just one.
I think I might use a mirror like this to really offset a persons perception of an everyday task.
Some basic ones might be like writing on a piece of paper, doing a puzzle.
I might look at how the mirror alters a view as well as how people tend to look through these mirrors.
I should also look at how many mirrors work the best and how they will go together.

First Ideas

My three ideas which I have started with are:

1. the interaction of using a mirror to change our view on a simple task. eg. puzzle
2. a waterfall which we can alter the flow of using shapes.
3. a disk with a mechanism inside which, when turned makes noises.

After presenting to the class I have decided to discard the third one but do some further development on the first two ideas.

Second Studio Morphological Box

Monday 11 July 2011

First Studio

In the first studio we were asked to bring along 5 objects or materials, at least one for each sense.
I brought:

Apple - Taste
Joker Card - Sight
Scissors - Sound
Tiny Wire Tree - Touch
Garam Masala - Smell

We discussed the different senses and how they can interact with objects in design.