Wednesday 14 September 2011


Thinking about the colors for the interface.

-obviously the green-yellow-red transitions should stay the way they are but the rest needs work
-the outside ring, and therefore the clock should probably not be white, grey would be a better choice as its not so bright. The main attraction to the interface should be the energy monitor and a bright white outline might detract from that. Muted grey would fix this problem. Whilst being noticeable wouldn't be too bright to offset the monitor.
-the info panels should be brown, but a light brown for a different reason. They need to stand out a little more than the clock/outside ring. They should be light enough for visual stimulance but not bright enough to interfere with the images on top, they are much more important, and should be easily read from a distance.
-Text should be black to keep things simple, easy to read and without introducing anymore colors to the palette.

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